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Visas by James, Colombia Legal & Associates S.A.S
Cra 39 #5a-95, Ofc# 709
Edificio Avantgarde
Medellín, Antioquia


M-F: 8:30 – 6PM / Saturday 9AM – 12PM


(57) 604-444-6634 / (57) 301-337-1881 / (57) 302-337-3078 / (1) 305-767-2766


How do I Setup a Colombian Company for the Migrant Business Owner Visa?

Learn how to create a business that meets the requirements of the Colombian migrant business owner visa. The SAS company is the most common. You must create the company with 100 minimum salaries, the investment is best shown directly in the colombian business account, and it is recommended the investment is wired from outside Colombia from the business investors personal bank account.

Frequently Asked Questions for Colombian Visa

What visa is the fastest for permanent residency? Current pathways to permanent residency: Retirement migrant visa (M-16): Requires demonstrating a minimum monthly income of 3 minimum wages (about $1,000) and holding the visa for five years before applying for...

A Guide to Navigating Colombian Visas for 2024

As you plan your journey or relocation to Colombia, understanding the various visa options is essential. The webpage "Top 9 Colombian Visas for 2024" on provides a comprehensive overview of the most popular visas for the upcoming year. However, your...

Work Visas United States

Looking to work in the United States? You're in luck! The Land of Opportunity offers a diverse range of work visas for individuals seeking employment. From the H-1B visa for specialized occupations to the L-1 visa for multinational transfers, there's something for...

Visa de turista B1/B2 de EE. UU.

Recomendamos consultas iniciales para entender el perfil de la persona que solicita la visa de turista y así poder hacer recomendaciones sobre cómo mejorar las posibilidades al momento de planificar un viaje y solicitud de visa a estados unidos. Finalmente, mientras...

USA B1/B2 Tourist Visa

We recommend initial consultations to understand the profile of the person applying for the tourist visa so we can make recommendations on how to improve possibilities when planning a trip and visa application to the united states. Finally while studying a visa...

Top 9 Colombian Visas For 2024

The visa office has appeared to relax on the ridiculous nitpicking they were engaged in during the majority of 2023. However certain requirements continue to be annoying such as not allowing foreign documents to pass 90 days during the review process. During visa...

Top 10 Colombian Visas

After a very hard year for Colombian Expats, the dust is settling, and due to the new visa rules, we have seen a slight change in the top visas. The primary problem with the new rules are 1) longer processing times, and 2) the expiration dates placed on foreign...

Colombia Visa Application Tips

Pay attention to the items listed below to implement a successful visa application plan. Due to delays and many new document requirements, the new visa rules have made applications more difficult. The most affected Colombian visa applicants are for Pension visa...

Colombia Visa Renewal

NEW VISA RULES ARE EXPECTED TO COME OUT SOON. Due to this being an election year our best guess is that the current administration will sign the new visa rules into effect between now and the end of July, but that is just a GUESS. The new administration hands over the...

Apostilles for Pension & Criminal Records

When dealing with Apostilles for Colombian visa processes time is everything. You will need to be extremely patient with the Colombian visa office. If you are submitting documents from outside of Colombia then there is a good chance your documents may expire during...

Cómo obtener la visa de padre de Colombia

La Visa de Padres de Colombia es una visa de migrante de categoría tipo (M). Está destinado a extranjeros que quieran ser padres de un niño colombiano, ya sea por nacimiento o por adopción. La visa es válida por 3 años. Después de 5 años, el titular de este tipo de...

Required Vaccinations for USA Residency Visas

We highly recommend not getting new vaccinations immediately before the interview (the Medical Panel frequently requires new vaccinations since those received by other medical service providers do not meet the standards required by the United States Public Health...

USA Embassy Medical Appointment in Bogotá

All applicants regardless of age must undergo a general physical examination prior to the scheduled interview. This test must be done before you come to your appointment at the embassy. Medical examinations are valid for a maximum of six months. Applicants must wait...

How to Get Colombia Parent Visa

The Colombia Parent Visa is a migrant visa of type (M) category. It is intended for foreigners who want to be parents of a Colombian child, either by birth or by adoption. The visa is valid for 3 years. After 5 years, the holder of this type of migrant visa can apply...

How to Get Colombia Resident Visa

The Colombia Resident visa is intended for foreigners who want to live in Colombia on permanent basis. In other words, if you want to live in Colombia full time and make Colombia your permanent residence, then the Colombian Residency Visa is the best visa you can...

Consejos de Renovación de Visa de Colombia


Visa de Migrante para Padres

La Visa de Padres de Colombia es una visa de migrante de categoría tipo (M). Está destinado a extranjeros que quieran ser padres de un niño colombiano, ya sea por nacimiento o por adopción. La visa es válida por 3 años. Después de 2 años, el titular de este tipo de...

USA Criminal Background Report

Recently Colombia has implemented a new requirement for many visa types to obtain a criminal background check in order to obtain a Colombian visa. Check your visa type to be sure that this is required for your visa. Marriage visas, for example do not require criminal...

Requisitos para la Visa de Nómada Digital

La visa de visitante de Colombia para nómadas digitales es para extranjeros que desean vivir en Colombia y trabajar de forma remota desde Colombia de forma temporal. Esta es una nueva visa que permite a los trabajadores extranjeros trabajar de forma remota para una...

Colombian Common Law Marriage Visa

The Colombia marriage visa is a migrant visa. It is intended for foreigners who are married to a Colombian man or a woman or those who already have a Colombian spouse or permanent partner. The Colombia marriage visa used to be quite easy to get. But now requires a lot...

Colombia Visa Application Freeze

Some Visas As of this Saturday, September 17th, new Colombian Online visa applications will not be accepted for many Colombian visa types until October 21. A new rule on visas will become active (Ministry of Foreign Relations Resolution 5477 of July 22, 2022). This...

Illegal in Colombia

What can happen to a foreigner with illegal Status? Frist of all most persons who end up illegal in Colombia as a tourist for anywhere from a few days to a couple months should not worry. Tens of thousands of people have this happen each year, and 99% of these persons...

How to Get a Colombia Digital Nomad Visa

What is the Colombian Digital Nomad VIsa? The Colombian Digital Nomad Visa, a Visitor Visa valid for up to 2 years, requires a minimum monthly income of COP 3,900,000. Key requirements include a valid passport, with more than 6 months before it expires, certificate of good standing, labor certificate for remote work, work contract, all risk travel insurance, and a clean criminal record maybe required. This is a visitor visa. You must be legal while applying.

NEW 2022 Colombia Visa Law

Alert: Under simple terms, a new 2022 Colombian Visa Law has been published by the Ministry of Foreign Relations in Bogota!  Officially A New Colombian Visa Immigration resolution was signed and entered into the record on July 22, 2022. This means that the new...

Colombia Visa Application

The Colombian visa application is handled by the Ministry of Foreign Relations visa office virtually in Bogota, Colombia through their website at The website is not the most user-friendly. Keep in mind that even if you are processing a visa...

EB2-NIW Visa for Colombians

The United States is always looking to improve its local industries by attracting immigrants and offering them permanent resident status. Take a look at what the US employment visa process entails in detail and discover how you can expedite your visa process with the...

Como solicitar la Visa EB2- NIW para Pilotos colombianos

Obtener una tarjeta verde basada en el empleo puede ser un proceso largo e intensivo que generalmente requiere ofertas de trabajo, certificaciones laborales, peticiones y largos períodos de espera. Cada nivel de preferencia diferente tiene sus propios beneficios así...

How to Get Colombia Work Visitor Visa

The Colombia temporary worker visa is for foreign workers with temporary, occasional or short-term contracts who are engaged or hired by a natural or legal person domiciled in Colombia. This temporary contract worker visa can also be obtained by those who do not...

Cómo obtener una Visa de Negocios para Colombia

La visa de negocios para Colombia tiene dos niveles de inversión que puede realizar para obtener una visa. La inversión de menor nivel le dará una visa de empresario colombiano migrante de 1 a 3 años, mientras que una inversión mayor le dará la visa de inversionista...
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