A Colombian Visa is Waiting for you…


With Colombian Visas there are three visa categories. They are V for visitor, M for migrant, and R for resident.

Colombia Visitor Visas (type V)

for the foreigner wishing to visit Colombia once or several times or to stay temporarily in the country without this being permanent. The visitor visa may be as short as 1 week or as long as 3 years. This visa type does not qualify for long term residency as the M visa type does.

Colombia Visitor Visa / Type V

colombia tourist visaV – Tourist

(Previously TP 11) Colombia Tourist Visa is for citizens of countries that can not enter with a stamp at the airport.

colombia student visaV – Student

(Visitor or Migrant) Colombia Student Visa category depends on proof of Enrollment by Accredited Institution, & Funds to Pay for Classes. Monthly Income 13,000,000 or equivalent savings.

colombia business visaV – Business

The Colombia Business Visa are designed for workers of foreign companies which are traveling to Colombia to engage in meetings, followup, etc.

colombia migrant rentistaV – Annuity / Rentista

(Previously TP7) This Colombia Annuity Visa is great for landlords, trust fund holders, or persons earning fixed monthly income paid from sources outside of Colombia.

colombia event convention visaV – Event or Convention

This Visa is to someone who is going to partipate about an event like a speaker, artist, athlete, among, each others

colombia work visitor visaV – Work Visitor

(Previously TP 13) – This is a temporary visitors Visa for Performing Technical Services in Colombia, 180 days by year.

Icono-Digital-NomadV – Digital Nomad Visa

The Colombia Digital Nomad Visa is designed for remote workers who own or work for foreign companies. Your income must be 3,900,000 pesos or more monthly.

medical treatment colombia visaV – Medical Treatment

If you need a Colombia Medical Treatment Visa in Colombia, you can traveling with a friend, and to take this visa.

Colombia Migrant Religious VisaV – Religious

Come to Colombia as religious, missionary or religious in formation of a church or religious denomination, duly recognized by the Colombian State.

colombian administrative procedures  visaV – Administrative Procedures

If you want to apply to this visa, you need a certificate issued by the institution that will carry out the procedure.

Colombia Migrant Visa

Colombia Migrant Visas (type M)

For the foreigner who wishes to enter or remain in the national territory with the intention of establishing himself/herself and does not meet the conditions for a type R visa.

Colombia Migrant Pension VisaM – Pension

(Previously TP7) You have to receive 3 times minimum salary (aprx 1,000 USD) in monthly bases to qualify for Colombia Pension Visa. See new requirements from 2022 resolution.

Colombia Migrant Business Owner Visa M – Business Owner

Migrant (Previously TP7) This Colombia Business Owner Visa is great for landlords, trust fund holders, or persons earning fixed monthly income paid from sources outside of Colombia.

colombia migrant refugee visaM – Refugee

The application for recognition of refugee status is governed by the  Decree 4503 of 2009 and must be presented to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Colombia. Colombia Refugee Visa

Colombia Migrant Mercosur Agreement VisaM – Mercosur Agreement

Criminal records of country of origin or of the place where the person resided during the 3 years prior to the application. Colombia Mercosur Agreement.

Colombia Resident Parent of Colombian National VisaM – Migrant Visa for Parents

Full Migrant Visa for Parents, As an abiological or foster parent you obtain residency by being the parent of a Colombian.

Colombia Migrant Property VisaM – Property

(Previously TP7) – The Colombia Property Visa direct foreign investment of at least 455,000,000 Pesos, or aproximately $116,667 USD in real estate for the year 2024. Future renewals depend on the minimum investment value adjusted yearly by government.

Colombia Migrant Marriage VisaM – Marriage

(Previously TP10) Visa – A great a Colombia Visa for Married or civil union couples. Full work benefits & up to 3 years

Colombia Migrant Work VisaM – Work

(PREVIOUSLY TP4) – To qualify for a Colombia Work Visa you must be sponsored by a Colombian corporation, with more than 130 million pesos average bank balance over 6 months for 2024.

colombia migrant beneficiary visaM – Beneficiary

The Colombia Beneficiary Visa is intended for foreigners who are dependents and family members of another foreigner who has a type visa. (Re, M or V)

Colombia Resident Investor VisaM – Colombian Investor Visas

This can be obtained by investing 455 million pesos in Colombian real estate for the year 2024. Colombian Property Investor Visa.


Colombia Resident Visas (RE)

For those aspiring to establish themselves or begin permanent residency in Colombia due to: having renounced Colombian nationality; being the parent of a Colombian national by birth; accumulated time of permanence; and foreign direct investment. Colombian Residency offers path to Colombian Citizenship.

Colombia Residency Visa

Colombia resident Qualified VisaRE – Qualified Migrant Visa Years

This visa is for holders of various who reach 2-5 years living in the country, and then QUALIFY for a FULL residency visa.

Colombia Resident Returning Colombian VisaRE – Returning Colombian

Colombians who renounced their Colombia citizenship for living in another country, but they want to require your citizenship again.

Colombia Resident Beneficiary VisaRE – Colombian Beneficiary Visa

Full residency is also provided to beneficiaries of RE principal visa holders. Children up to 25 years old, and spouses qualify. More Information on Colombian Benficiary Visa.

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